WhaT is a binding?
Bindings are defined by the conjuror who creates these bindings. When you read the explanations given to other sellers, they are bound to have their own meanings and interpretations of what a binding should be. In our case, we have found the best way to describe our bindings is as follows: imagine each binding is a specific signal on a cellphone, meant to communicate information from one device to another. Or even imagine the old cup phones you used to make as a kid! The string or signal is the binding, and it helps two beings to communicate with each other from different places (in the case of our bindings, it strengthens communication with a specific spirit between the astral and physical planes). Bindings are completely harmless, and require the mutual trust of the spirit, companion and conjuror in order to establish itself. While there are many more details involving binding terms, fail-safes and and anti-alteration spells, this is binding at it's raw and most basic form.
What is the difference between a Custom Conjure and an RA?
A Custom Conjure is a service performed to match a keeper with a companion who meets specific criteria (for instance, an Elorian CC will always result in an Elorian who steps forward with interest in becoming your companion). An RA (or Reverse Adoption) is performed so that any spirit can come through for companionship. And by any, we mean *any*. Reverse Adoptions may take longer to vet if they are of an unfamiliar race, but RA's offer a wider range in companions, resulting in beautifully matched energies. In short, you are calling to specific being in Custom Conjures, yet in an RA the spirit calls to you.
What are SNA spirits?
SNA stands for Special Needs Adoption. If a spirit wants a companion but needs a specific type of family or a particularly attentive keeper, the spirit is listed as SNA. Special Needs may include physical or behavioral complications that would indicate that this spirit is not suited for the average keeper. SNA's are always adopted out based on applications, screening and preliminary visitation. They are not "first come first serve" bindings, as the decision must be made carefully where an SNA spirit is meant to go.
Is binding a spirit considered slave-driving?
For the standard conjuror, absolutely not! Our spirits are never forcefully conjured, nor are they bound against their will. Spirits come to us of their own volition, proceed through vetting at their own pace and discretion, and may opt out of companionship at any time (including after the vetting is completed). When a spirit is bound to their companion, they cannot be forced into completing tasks or performing services. The primary purpose for any binding with a companion is just that-- companionship!
What are considered "red flags" when dealing with spirits?
If you are dealing with a spirit and are unsure if the spirit is what it claims to be, please consider the following warning signs to watch out for:
- Chosen One / Hero Complex If they are convincing you that the fate of the multiverse rests on your shoulders, and only they can help you achieve that greatness, stop right there. As much as we all like to think we make a world of difference (and in our own ways, we do), Tricksters will play on this to earn your trust, lower your guard and manipulate you.
- Inconclusive / Inconsistent Divination If divination produces different responses, the spirit could be fighting guardian or companion spirits for control over the tool in order to lie to you. Remember to always set up wards and protections against deceit and twisting truths when divining, and close every spiritual door you open.
- Deific Status If they claim to be the god/goddess of all things or master of the cosmos, and decide that you will be their mouthpiece... red flag. These can be fear-mongering or awe-inspiring experiences, but look for differences or fluctuations in energy. Check for inconsistencies in their stories. Cross-question them by subtle means.
Usually, if it's too good a story to be true, it is. If you find yourself questioning the integrity of a spirit, contact a reputable conjuror, or even several! Many of us will offer a helping hand to ensure the spirit is in, in fact, who they say they are. If the spirit has come from a conjuror, contact them immediately regarding your concerns.
What does your classification system mean?
Upon merging shops, we replaced the standard Spectrums (White Arts, Grey Arts, Dark Arts and Black Arts) with a new customized form of classification as per Jynx's method of using the Mohs Hardness Scale to determine placement.
- Topaz this gem is the softest on the scale, and indicates that the being is capable of little to no harm towards any spirit or companion. This doesn't mean they can't defend themselves when backed into a corner, but their morals and natures often demand pacifism.
- Quartz is the next stage on the spectrum, and is by far the most diverse. Consider this the Grey Arts Spectrum, indicating anywhere from Light Grey, to Grey, to Dark Grey. These beings have pretty good morals compared to humans, but will do what they feel is necessary in a time of crisis.
- Corundum Ruby and Corundum Sapphire are two sides of the same Spectrum. Ruby is the lighter end of Corundum, sparking passion and excitement in what they do, while Sapphire is significantly darker and may induce a more chilling sort of thrill. Both tend to have more loose morals than the former two classes.
- Diamond is the hardest mineral on the scale, and represents the darkest of dark spirits which require special skills and advanced knowledge of the craft in order to safely keep with other members of your spirit family. Of course, there are always protections in place set for you and your companion so no one is harmed, but these spirits can still be particularly dangerous with magick, or may even try to bend rules for the sake of their benefit. Not every Diamond class spirit is deliberately malevolent or rebellious, but their morals tend to be extremely loose, and their views may be much darker than those of a typical human.
How long does vetting usually take?
Many shops have different vetting times. In our case, vetting for races that have been marked as exclusive usually takes four weeks, since we know intimate details about the race in question already. Spirits that are nonexclusive, or require a little extra vetting to ensure their compatibility with multiple spirit types, can take six to eight weeks to vet. Beings of an extremely dark or morbid nature, or those who require excessive discernment to ensure they are what they claim, may take eight weeks or more. Because vetting times vary according to the spirit, we are always open to questions regarding your companion!
What are exclusives, and why can't others conjure them?
An exclusive spirit in meta shops are specific and unique races/subraces of beings with which a conjuror has convened with their leader / spokesperson in order to create a formal contract of ethical binding and exclusivity. These contracts are often formed out of years of earning their trust, learning about the history, culture and traditions of their race, and expending a great deal of effort to connect with them on a personal level. When we say that a race must be specific and unique, we mean that umbrella-term or commonly known races, such as fae or dragons, cannot be made exclusive. However, creatures like Cyber Cell Dragons and Dial/Noctil Fae are specific to the conjuror, and have unique traits that make them stand out. Specific groups of common races, such as the Sanctum Peryton and Otogryphs can be made exclusive based on their origins and location, but the term cannot apply to all Owl Gryphons or Peryton as a result. Completely unique creatures which have little to no record of Earthen lore or public renown, such as Somniates and Blechk'nier'e, are the most obvious candidates of exclusivity since it there is no confusion about what they are. And finally, creations such as servitors and tulpas that are completely original to their creator may also be claimed as exclusive (such as Jynx's Prismatic Eggs). While an exclusive can approach other conjurors, it is extremely rare, and the original conjurors of these exclusives often have back-up questions ready in case someone claims to be conjuring them. If these questions are wrong, they are likely of a different species, and often turn out to be trickster spirits under the guise of a different entity. Almost all shops have their own list of exclusive conjures which make them stand out from other sellers.
What does "Distance Bound" or "Bound to Spirit" mean? What is "Bridging?"
Before, we discussed how bindings were reminiscent of a telephone line through which you may more easily contact your companion. The first two terms refer to your main source of communication as it were. In the case of Distance Binding, you collaborate with you companion-to-be to choose a physical vessel (such as jewelry, a gem, a stuffed animal, etc.). This vessel will then be tethered to the spirit using energy ties which make the object a "hot spot." This often makes it easier for the keeper to focus on the binding and aid in communication. Binding to Spirit is much the same, only instead of a physical object, your own spiritual energy becomes the hotspot. Your energies are constantly connected to one another, and you can focus on these ties in order to better communicate with the spirit in question. While more convenient, some people find these bindings to be far more draining than distance bindings, and may cause headaches stemming from third eye strain. Finally, Bridging is a term we use to describe the use of multiple bindings to a single spirit. For instance, a spirit may be Distance Bound to a physical vessel, but that binding is also typically "bridged" to your spirit in case the vessel is lost or broken. We always bridge our spirits unless we are specifically requested to do otherwise.
What is a Master Vessel?
An MV is a vessel which is spelled to host any number of spirit bindings, leading up to the hundreds if so desired. These vessels may also be imbued with special enchantments to enhance communication, intent and strength of ability. Master Vessels are very convenient for keepers with larger families, and ultimately are little different from a personal vessel concerning bindings. In the end, though, it is up to the spirit to decide whether or not they deem such a vessel to be appropriate for them. While most do not mind this, there are energy-sensitive, easily overwhelmed or even SNA spirits that may feel a little uncomfortable with being bound to a single vessel with many others.
Why aren't minors allowed to shop? Will you bend on this policy if a minor already has spirits, has parent permission or considers themselves a conjuror?
We mutually answer the latter query with a hard no. No one is exempt from the minor rule. As to why, it isn't anything directly against minor keepers. The reality is that laws explicitly state that those who teach other forms of religion or spiritual practice without explicit and written consent from the parent or legal guardian may find themselves in legal trouble in which the result is often a lawsuit. While many argue that some minors will readily provide proof and give conjurors a means of contact so that the seller and parent may speak, there are many issues with this claim. Namely this: all online proof and distance contact can very, very easily be forged or falsified. Even if provided extensive amounts of proof, not only does this take an extensive amount of effort we don't have, but parents can easily withdraw their agreement on the grounds that they were not aware of what the craft entailed. In such cases, the defending seller is rarely given favor. For our safety and yours, please understand that we cannot, for any reason whatsoever, allow minors to purchase from the store. If we find you lying about your age, all bindings will be severed, all orders cancelled, and you will be banned. This is why the shop requires that you post your date of birth in your intro.
Why aren't minors allowed to shop? Will you bend on this policy if a minor already has spirits, has parent permission or considers themselves a conjuror?
We mutually answer the latter query with a hard no. No one is exempt from the minor rule. As to why, it isn't anything directly against minor keepers. The reality is that laws explicitly state that those who teach other forms of religion or spiritual practice without explicit and written consent from the parent or legal guardian may find themselves in legal trouble in which the result is often a lawsuit. While many argue that some minors will readily provide proof and give conjurors a means of contact so that the seller and parent may speak, there are many issues with this claim. Namely this: all online proof and distance contact can very, very easily be forged or falsified. Even if provided extensive amounts of proof, not only does this take an extensive amount of effort we don't have, but parents can easily withdraw their agreement on the grounds that they were not aware of what the craft entailed. In such cases, the defending seller is rarely given favor. For our safety and yours, please understand that we cannot, for any reason whatsoever, allow minors to purchase from the store. If we find you lying about your age, all bindings will be severed, all orders cancelled, and you will be banned. This is why the shop requires that you post your date of birth in your intro.
You haven't finished my service yet and I want a refund!
While we do stress that these services take time, there are times when a service may be reasonably refunded so long as they have not been performed yet. Refunds cannot be requested after 14 days from invoice payment. This is because the money that comes from these invoices are used to support our daily lives, and cause living complications if refunded too far down the line. In the case that you have requested a conjure or binding, and the spirit has already been conjured or bound respectively, the service cannot be refunded under any circumstance, as the service has already been performed at least in part. If a payment has been partially made, and circumstances have arisen so that you cannot complete the payment in a timely manner, please contact us immediately so that we may work with you, as this is a special circumstance that requires our attention. We are very understanding and flexible, so if complications arise you are encouraged to alert us so we are made aware and are able to work something out within reason.
I don't bond well with this spirit/they don't manifest for me ever. Can I get my money back?
Unfortunately, what you paid for is a service. Just as we cannot go back in time and stop ourselves from doing the work, we cannot return the money for a service that was already performed. The time and energy has already been spent, and we cannot take that back when you ask for a refund. What's more, exchanges are not possible either. It requires another binding session which requires us to take extra time and effort to bind a second time. We do not sell spirits here, only the effort in their bindings and vetting procedures. In this regard, you can see how exchanges are impossible to perform. Once a service is complete, that's it. However, if you do not feel comfortable keeping the spirit in your family for any reason, we will gladly sever the bond and find a new companion for the spirit.
Why do you say these services are for entertainment if you take this seriously?
Because each person's meta experience is influenced by their own perspective and abilities, we can in no way guarantee the potency and effectiveness of our services. We like to think they are tried and true, but again we cannot 100% guarantee our manifestations will mirror your own, or even that they will manifest at all to you. But this still doesn't quite answer the question. You see, there are laws requiring us to state that these services are curios because to insinuate otherwise would mean magick would be a contender against professional help such as medical attention, therapy or legal advice from a lawyer. To be honest with you all, it truly isn't. Faith and magick can help with a lot of things, but it only goes so far. If you have a mental disorder, you can't immediately chalk it up to possession. If you have a leg injury, energy healing can't stitch your wounds together and sterilize the wound, nor can a spirit be counted on to diagnose an illness before a doctor (it can happen, but again don't count on that). So please, while the meta is a fulfilling craft, seek professional help if the situation calls for it.
Can I have my companion bound sooner if I vet them myself?
This is a question I found in a popular meta community, which both shocked and disturbed us a little, and here is why: conjurors have their own procedures for vetting and know their exclusive spirits in more intimate detail than any other keeper normally would. It takes years of hard work and research, not to mention earning the trust of said race, just to conjure them and properly vet them. Even in the case of non exclusive conjures, they have extensive precautions (including warding, anti-glamour spells, thorough questioning, etc). Not only are they likely more well equipped to vet your companions, but it is extremely disrespectful to the conjuror to suggest that you should vet them over the original conjuror, regardless of the reason. Conjurors put time, effort and pride into their craft, and to ask them to cut their practice short for the sake of a quicker binding or a discounted price is not only a dangerous gamble, but an offensive gesture as a client that will likely put you under a bad light.
I need my spirit bound to a new vessel!
To save time and effort on both ends, we include a special feature with our bindings in the case that a spirit needs to be re-bound. Bindings are created so that when a spirit is willing to change vessels (and the keeper gives their consent) they need only will the binding to shift towards the target vessel. Within 24 hours, the transition will have completed itself (though it usually transpires much more quickly). Please note that these bindings will never transition to another person's spirit, or transfer to another spirit's vessel without consent from all involved parties. If such transitions are attempted, the binding breaks, and the spirit is returned to the conjuror's astral space for the safety of everyone involved.
My spirit tried to hurt me/crossed a hard line.
In the case that a spirit attempts to cause you any form of misfortune or harm, or commits to any action which intentionally results in your detriment, the binding is set to immediately sever, and the spirit brought back to our astral space for questioning. The same goes for if the spirit is mistreated. If a binding is severed due to activating a trigger such as any of those listed above, the keeper and spirit are immediately confronted regarding the situation, where they can be dealt with case by case. Due to the nature of these bindings, a spirit that has been suspected of attacking you cannot and will not return to you after the initial incident. If you find problems resume after the binding is severed, the problem may lie in other areas. While we will do everything in our power to verify whether or not a spirit is, in fact, malicious, it is also important to rule out foreign influence before placing fault on a companion. Tricksters are called such for a reason, and such a spirit can and will take the form of companions in order to cause confusion, mistrust and ultimately distract you from the source of the problem. As always, if ever there is an issue, please contact the original conjurors directly for support and advice.
Another person told me that my spirit has been horribly bound, abused, or isn't what the conjuror said it was.
If you did not acquire explicit permission from the conjuror to allow third parties to investigate the binding, their word cannot and should not be trusted. This isn't to say they are not capable of discernment, however. The thing is, conjurors use so many protections and wards on their bindings for protection that these glamours can often alter the perception of those who meddle with the binding at all. Divination may be inaccurate. Intuition could be thrown. We do this to ensure our bindings are safe against tampering. Now, if another person offers to check a binding for you without the conjuror's permission, this is a huge red flag. Not only is it unprofessional and risky, but it is also underhanded. Such a person may be offering to do this to discredit a conjuror they don't like, or they may be eliminating competition so that they can poach the clients of other established shops. Even if this isn't the case, it will often appear that way and put the person in a bad light. If the well being or genuity of a spirit is ever in question, it is advised you bring the issue straight to the original conjuror with an unbiased and professional third (and possibly fourth) party to help mediate and discern the reality of the situation.
Do you accept Trades for your services?
As much as we love trading, we simply can't for finance's sake. This shop isn't just our passion, it's our livelihood. We hope you understand, but as always we deeply appreciate your interest!