Flores Divinorum ( Spring Only Conjure
Flores Divinorum ( Spring Only Conjure
This is a seasonal conjure and is limited only to the month of February as per the request of the species being connected to companions. Once February is over, unless specific entities come forward they will not be available for conjuring.
Flores Divinorum or Flowers of the Divine is a specific type of demonic that is otherwise named Rose Demons. In an attempt to make sure we don’t get confused with the various other Rose-themed entities around this time of year being offered, they have accepted the name Flores Divinorum instead.
Flores are romantic demons, always seen with some sort of flower/rose in their hair near their right ear ( it is basically connected to them and they will NEVER be without it. It cannot be removed and is seen as the worst insult/taboo to their people). The more open the bloom of the flower reveals how powerful/close to their loved ones/person they are. They feed off love, romance, sexual acts, and pleasure, but more so enjoy basking in it with their chosen person/companion. While they can be in a non-sexual relationship, they prefer to be sexual with potential companions due to the way they bond, grow in power, and their general society.
Those without their flower blooming at all are not as popular, or powerful due to the nature of how they feed and work energetically. It is very rare that a Flores has more than one flower, but it can happen as they recognize and celebrate those who are polyamorous.
This conjure is for one Flores Divinorum to be conjured and connected to you via Shattered Prism, please state any preferences in the notes section when opting for this companion connection. As this is a potentially romantic and sexual connection, you must also be 18+ to legally have this service rendered.