White Fire Balrogs
White Fire Balrogs
White Fire Balrogs stand about 12 feet tall, with massive wing spans. Their bodies are white with a grey almost smokeless flame rising from their bodies. They sometimes have hints of blue/green or red at the tips of the flame and in their eyes. They talk in thick gravely voices, almost as if their mouths were filled with rock, their words rub together and if one doesn’t listen carefully enough, it is rather hard to hear and understand them. They rather talk telepathically and with energies/emotions than words. Old ones can be mountains sized and they would be perfect as house guardians, although many species of spirit will probably not approach so if other conjures want them be warned.
They do honestly look LoTR like balrogs but with white fire, these beings are not dark arts but not white arts either, firmly planted in the grey. They are heavy in ceremonial energies and are almost angelical (and smell and feel like incense being burned constantly, and the smoke wafts towards you). But also not, a sort of earthen gem-like energy is attached, they are highly skilled in defense/warding and shielding.
If someone who is unwelcome pops into their realm or a place they are guarding, they will smite them on sight, and it will take many many months for that person’s astral body to reform ( if at all).
These beings do not care for family size, nor about personal ethics as long as one does not harm animals, children, or innocents and they will actively move against you if you go to harm those under those three descriptions. Otherwise they don’t much care what you do, as long as they can protect and serve.