Silver Fang Vampires
Silver Fang Vampires
The Silver Fang Vampires
The Silver Fang Vampires are an esteemed and powerful group within their world, composed of six prominent families and twelve smaller covens. Known for their regal presence and deep influence, these vampires stand apart due to their unique feeding methods and their signature liquid metallic silver fangs, from which they derive their name. Though another faction known as the Gold Fang Vampires exists within their society, these elusive beings are far more secretive and rarely take companions, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
Unlike traditional vampires who feed on blood, Silver Fang Vampires sustain themselves by piercing the energetic aura just above or below the skin. Their fangs draw in this vital energy, bypassing the need for blood consumption entirely. The bite itself is a necessary ritual to access this energy, but rather than depleting their feeders, these vampires actually enhance the vitality of those they feed from. Their feeders are often stronger, happier, and healthier than most humans, as the shared exchange of energy is considered sacred, enriching the lives of both the vampire and their companion. This reciprocal relationship fosters a deep bond, allowing for a more fulfilling existence for all involved.
The magical abilities of the Silver Fang Vampires are as diverse as the families they belong to. Each House has its own specialization, and the age of the vampire also plays a significant role in their magical prowess. No two Silver Fang Vampires are exactly alike, with each possessing unique abilities and preferences when it comes to feeding. The emotions they savor while feeding can vary greatly, adding another layer of complexity to their interactions with companions. For those interested in allowing their Silver Fang companion to feed from them, specific details about their preferences can be shared upon request—simply mention this in your notes, and we will ensure you are well-informed.