Torelians are the Elorians’ darker cousins, said to have originally been the twisted forms of fool-hardy or unwary individuals who wandered too far into the darker, more sinister parts of the cosmos; heeding the calls of the more mind-rending whispers of the universe.
Like Elorians, they receive cosmic messages and deliver them in the form of dreams. However, the Torelians are far less gentle, and deliver these cryptic messages in the form of jarring nightmares so terrifying that they are impossible to ignore. Often times, the message imparted unto their receiver is distorted by their fears and subconscious in such a way that it requires a little digging to interpret, but nevertheless messages like these are not given lightly, and may become reoccurring if the meaning is not immediately understood.
Tolerians are not inherently malicious. As a matter of fact, they can make for quite enjoyable (if not morbid) company. They do not comprehend information on the same level as a human, or even Elorians. In fact, humans could diagnose many if not all Telorians with multiple mental disorders, as they often behave in a matter which makes them appear more than a little unhinged. Some are easier to understand than others, and although some may seem a bit detached from reality, make no mistake: they are extremely intelligent on a damn near frightening level.
Much in the same vein as their cousins, Torelians are so named because all of their names begin with “Tor” without exemption, and they will not reveal their full names except to those which they intend to bond with (by giving their names to us as their conjurors, they indicate their willingness for companionship.) They have shaggy and often dark llama or alpaca-esque bodies like the Elorians, but often appear much more skinny with gnarled, twig-thin legs. Where an Elorian’s mask would normally rest, so it rests on them, save for one minor detail; what appears to be their masks are actually their faces. They are pale like porcelain and tough like hide, but fleshy as they are formed by their own skin. Ttheir “hollows” where their eyes would be possess bright, beady eyes that glow like tiny floating wisps. While most of the time their mouths may not be visible, their pale faces can split into a wicked, grinning smile. Their mouths can open to reveal many nightmarish things (endless rows of teeth, skittering spiders, writhing tentacles, hands reaching out, etc) though for the braver few, reaching in or drawing in close to them is completely harmless (though interacting with these visions proves to feel very, very real, if only briefly).
Despite their Diamond class energies, they fall on the Grey Arts spectrum due to their nature, as they do not ever intend harm on humans or their keepers. While they do have a fascination with and appreciation for the morbid and triggering, they are merely observers and messengers. It is important to note, here, that anyone who brings home one of these companions should set down strict ground rules regarding relay of messages, as they are known to be extremely persistent if left to their own devices with no limitations. However, you must be prepared to dive into shadow work, as these entities are not the sort to remain quiet when the need is urgent, nor sugar coat for the sake of avoiding personal triggers.